Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Pot pie?

  I just farted and it smells like chicken pot pie.  Is that normal?


adrienzgirl said...

You need serious help. Just sayin'.

This is a question for Twitter. Not an entire blog post.

Momma Fargo said...

No. It isn't. And what happened to the green smoke?

I'm agreeing with your wife on this one.

Happy Hour...Somewhere said...

Do me a favor...when you finish filling out your taxes and mailing them off like the rest of the world tomorrow, go ahead and spritz some of that eau de pot pie in that envelope. Sharing is good.

GunDiva said...

Better than rotten eggs.

SurferWife said...

Oh for fuck's sake.

Why do I come here to read this when I have my own husband asking me these questions.

Meg said...

Dude. Even MY hubby groaned at that. And then announced he was hungry. Thanks.

Danielle said...

Did you just eat a chicken pot pie?

Momma Fargo said...

Yo...did you go on vacation? Or get caught up in gas? Just wondering...